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Principal's Welcome

Hayshire Elementary School provides a child-centered educational program for over five hundred students in grades K-3.  There is a strong emphasis on the building of communication skills throughout the curriculum.  The language arts program focuses on meeting individual needs of all students with all children learning to read and write successfully.  Building basic skills of mathematics and problem solving is fundamental at Hayshire Elementary School.  Developing a love of learning is evident throughout the curriculum.  

Hayshire's teachers and staff combine varying backgrounds and areas of expertise to provide a caring atmosphere for a developmentally appropriate curriculum. Creating caring classroom environments where students practice social skills is part of each day.  Hayshire students are encouraged at all times to show “Positive Hayshire P.O.W.E.R.”  This slogan is visible throughout the school environment and serves as a reminder that we take care of ourselves and take care of each other.  

The Parent Volunteer Program serves as an important part of the school environment.  Parental support for Hayshire is evident through the active Parent Teacher Organization.  The PTO helps plan special events and programs.  Parents, teachers, and children working together is a basic theme as Hayshire strives for success for all students!

Mrs. Susan Thomas, Principal

Mrs. Amy Musone, Assistant Principal